Still Want That Summer Body? Read this.

As the warmer weather, tan lines, and sunny beach days approach us, it’s not too late to get your body ready for summer. Everybody is different and the way we process what we eat such as our metabolism varies between all of us! This is why you should never focus too much on the numbers you see on the scale and exercising too much with little balance of food intake. Whether you’re dedicating yourself to spending hours at the gym, or simply want to do an at home workout, these transformation exercises are here to help you lose weight fast and effectively!

It is also extremely important to remember and always know that no matter what body type you have, whether you have big thighs, thin arms, a small butt, or a stomach you’re not proud of, all of our body types are beautiful. This is always important for you to know and constantly remind yourself. We are all beautifully and there is no one else on this earth who is made the same as us! Therefore, when exercising, do it responsibly and always have fun whether it’s doing it with friends, going to early morning classes, or using motivating quotes to keep pushing.

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  • Drinking water: There are so many apps out that allow you to measure how much water intake you are having every single day. The benefits of drinking a water bottle first thing  in the morning helps your skin, get hydrated, and become more energized as soon as you wake up. This is also important throughout the day to drink a lot of water and quickly you’ll see the results within your complexion and body. 
  • Cross Body Mountain Climbers: Doing 3 sets of these, you’re bringing your knee to your opposite elbow and your core will remain very tight during this. You need to use both legs and arms in order to do this exercise. 
Dear body… Find more postpartum fitness inspiration at #diastasisrecti #fitness #inspiration #quotes #bodyconfidence
  • Burpees: Reaching up with both arms, you’re jumping and then going down into a pushup position. Jumping back up into reaching your arms above your head, you continue to do this for about 30 seconds slow. 
Body and mind quote for a positive body imagine #Bodyandmind  Life’s too short to be unkind to yourself.
  • High Knees: Bringing your knees up almost reaching your stomach, you jump and alternate from one leg to the other for 30 seconds at a moderate speed.
Body positivity continues to be valued, especially within the fashion industry. Last year during New York Fashion Week, designers casted a variety of models for their shows and created apparel for a wider range of sizes. Additionally, 5 body positive advocates created limited edition tees ranging from 0X-5X. More inclusivity will be seen in the fashion industry as a result of valuing body positivity. (Ali M, Week 5)
  • Squat jumps: It is important for your back to be straight and jump into squat positions with your hands together. Continue to do this for 30 seconds and you will feel this exercise especially in your glutes. 
20 Body Image Quotes For Your Next Bad Day, Because Your Body Isn't The Problem
  • Push Ups: Just like mountain climbers, to switch it up you can get in a push up position and bring your knees to your elbows and do this at a medium paced speed for 30 seconds. If you want to do classic push ups, just put your hands on the floor, feet in a tip toe position on the floor as well and bend your arms slowly until your chest almost reaches the floor then continue to do this. 
  • Plank: To work your abs, place your elbows on the floor and your feet must remain at the tip of your toes touching the floor. Staying in this position for 25-30 seconds is great for the core. 
What a brilliant reminder. Genius post-it note courtesy of Emily Coxhead .
  • Reverse Lung: To work your legs, engage your center and core by bringing one leg stretched out to the front of you bending it and make sure your knee does not pass the front of your toes. Alternate by moving to the next leg and keep your arms up holding your hands together while doing this for about 30 seconds. 
  • Triceps Toe Touch: Sit on the floor and with your opposite hands and legs, you will be reaching towards your feet alternating from one leg to the other. Raise one leg and bring your opposite hand to your feet then switch. Your core will remain tight during this exercise and continue for about 20 seconds. 
  • Heisman: Jump to one side and bring your opposite knee up. If you jump left with your left leg, bring your right knee up. When you jump right with your right leg, bring your left knee for about 30 seconds back and forth. This is especially helpful for working out your legs. 
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  • Butt Kicks: Bring your feet switching from left and right to your glutes. Left leg up then right and continue doing this for about 25 seconds. It’s much easier said than done and is a huge benefit to toning up stomach fat. 

Once completing these workouts, and you’re consistently doing this everyday and still not seeing results you may need to alter what your body is taking in. Doing a strict diet won’t help but you can eat certain foods less such as sugar and high trans fat. You should also watch your carbs because although our body does need carbs for energy, you should never consume an unhealthy amount. Alcohol consumption is also linked to belly fat and gaining weight as well. High fibers, beans, peas, soluble fibers, will help decrease belly fat and protein such as tofu, dairy and soy will increase release of hormones.

More proteins allow you to have much less abdominal fat compared to someone who consumes a low protein diet. Certain teas will also promote and help you break down fat cells. Use these tips correctly and you will be ready for summer with confidence in no time!

Thank you so much for reading! 

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Disclaimer: All photos not mine are given credit to their owner/source. Photos which are mine will be included in a caption.